
Tattoo designs for women are become hotter and hotter all the time. Tattoo as body art has been enjoyed by practically every civilization and culture in history down through the years. All these people had one thing in common; they appreciated the artwork of beautiful tattooing.Tattoo Designs For Women Tattoo Designs For Women

Tattoo designs for women are become hotter and hotter all the time. Tattoo as body art has been enjoyed by practically every civilization and culture in history down through the years. All these people had one thing in common; they appreciated the artwork of beautiful tattooing.Tattoo Designs For Women Tattoo Designs For Women

Do you remember the post I did about the young man with the butterflies on his feet and the ridiculous home tattoos? Well, he showed me some photos of his friend's tattoos. And boy, are they ridiculous!

First up- booyah! arm!

This poor person has "booyah!" on their arm not once, but at least SEVEN TIMES! I can also see a pterodactyl, a ghost, and "USA GOES UNDEFEATED".

I wish I knew the story behind this one. "Saves Latin"??? ... maybe I don't really want to know.

And this. What is this? An alien-insect with patriotic wings riding a scooter with hello kitty with a mustache in the back? WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?

Seriously, the more I see tattoos like this, the more I shake my head and start to wonder if they are really works of genius instead of being the worst tattoos in the world.

2:50 PM

Cats with no ears

I just took in two of the cutest cats ever, and so I have had cats on the brain lately. Because of this, I thought I'd do some searching for bad cat tattoos. I am SURE there are worse ones out here, but this is what I found- three cat tattoos without any ears. Why would you ever draw a cat without ears? It just makes them look like weird aliens!

This looks like a Lisa Frank drawing without the pizazz.

This is the most half-assed tattoo I have possibly ever seen. Why are the eyes sideways? Why are the whiskers blue? Where are the ears? So many unanswered questions!

This is a mix of the lady's five cats and some human (the right eye). Why the human has a lazy eye, I don't know. I also think the cat is actually the bark of a tree.

And finally, while not technically terrible, this butterfly-cat holding a flower and inexplicably wearing pants makes me laugh.

Fairy Tattoo Design PicturesFairy tattoos are they modern apparitions? While the motif; of the fairy tattoos may be a recent appearance in the tattoo parlor, the magical and mischievous quality of the fairy kingdom has been around for ages. It seems only fitting that these nature spirits and guardians of magic should become more and more popular as years go by. They fit right in with the mystical

9:35 AM

Bad chest tattoos

I think there is a trend of getting bad chest tattoos with bloody writing. Please tell me this isn't so, and it's just these three unfortunate dudes.

"All Hope Is Gone" -- not a very good thing to get when you're young (I cropped his face out of the photo, he looks like he is 17). Also what's the logo on the right? I assume these are bad lyrics of some sort.

"Blood Is Forever" -- I guess this is a way of celebrating family, but there is surely a much better way to do it. Also the bloody cracked Batman logo is an a+ addition there, buddy.

"Pull The Trigger Bitch" -- sdkjfhsdk I can seriously not think of a worse thing to get tattooed on your chest for all time. Do you think he will ever have sex with anyone ever again? I guess he'll just have to keep his shirt on indefinitely!

I've posted some awesomely ridiculously terrible and rad stick-n-poke tattoos here in the past, and I will again. I have a soft spot for bad tattoos that friends do to each other. This one, however, is pretty inexcusable, and shows how home tattooing is generally a really really really really bad idea.

ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. This makes me hurt all over just looking at it. So scratchy!!!! I can't even imagine what it must look like healed. I think my favorite part is that he only has one eyeball.

8:09 AM

More Zombies

Please excuse me for posting about my own tattoos so much this week, but I can't help myself! I'll post some legitimately terrible tattoos soon, don't worry!

You guys should all know by now that I am fascinated by flash tattoos and tattoos that come from the same drawing but look different. The tattoo I got on Friday was part of a Friday the 13th special, where you could get any flash zombie on a sheet for $40. I chose the classic coming-out-of-the-grave-zombie, and it turns out three of my friends went for the same thing. One of my friends and I got sxe zombies, my other two friends got the zombie as he was on the sheet. Here are all four zombies for comparison (done by three different artists, see if you can spot the two that were done by the same person).

1:06 PM


I just got my thighs done. These are beyond awesome. Only the linework is done so far, but I'll get them finished next month. Done by the ever-awesome Myles Karr at Saved in Brooklyn, NY.

the placement is great

12:39 PM

sxe god free zombie

So I finally did it. I finally got brainwashed by my bad tattoo blog and got a bad tattoo. AND I LOVE IT!

He is a straight edge god free zombie, in honor of Friday the 13th. I love him because he's just like all the rad old metal zombies that I looooooove and simultaneously make fun of on here. Done by Alex at Three Kings in Brooklyn, NY (who is an amazing tattoo artist, please do not for one second think that I am saying his work is bad!).

Eagle Tattoos Pictures What more can you ask for than to get an eagle tattoo? Tattooing is one of the oldest art forms created by human beings. Initially tattooing was not considered only an art, but a form of rebellion. People attached a magical or mystical significance to it, as they used tattoos to symbolize the fertility of earth and women, the sacredness of chieftainship, preservation of

In order to understand how a tattoo is gotten rid of, it is first important for a person to understand how a tattoo is structured to become permanent. Basically, when a tattoo is applied, there are small holes that are simultaneously made with the actual injections of the tattoos ink. This ink then bonds with the skin molecules to create what is supposed to be a permanent tattoo.

Medical technology has definitely advanced in recent years, because before, people who got a tattoos only had the option of tattooing over it or covering it if they did not like it. Now, there are two main methods of tattoo removal, the first using a chemical solution known as TCA, and the second involving lasers.

TCA is a solution that is clear, and it actually resembles water. The solution itself is gently, with a q tip, applied to the tattooed area by the person wishing to get rid of their tattoo. What this solution does is permeate the upper layers of the skin, and slowly break apart the skin molecules that have bonded to the ink. This process needs to be done once every six weeks or so in order to prevent scarring.

Another option is to choose a form of tattoo removal that involves lasers. This is, perhaps, the more prevalent removal method, generally because it is considered to be the safest method of removal. In such a procedure, which is done in an outpatient setting by a dermatologist, the heat of the laser destroys the molecules that have bonded to the ink. At the same time, the laser light stimulates more blood flow in the area, which in turn helps to build more new, clear skin tissue.

It is important to note that the laser method will also need to be spaced out over a period of several weeks to several months in order to prevent scarring. Perhaps the more commonly asked question by those people who are looking to get rid of their body art is in reference to how long it will actually take. This answer varies in accordance with the kind of tattoo that was gotten, as well as the age of the tattoo.

12:16 PM

funny bones

Here we have brave Curtis getting his ribs tattooed. fun times! tickles there don't it? finished piece coming soon!

12:08 PM

winter wunder...

Winter weather got me in the mood, to do some sno tattooin' on my mountain man friend from alaska via jersey. Hangin' out in the phoenix sippin' shine and feelin fine! lost my g's in the shuffle. Inspired by the Berthoud pass huts and the St.mary glacier and the woods of blue hill let it snow!!!

11:42 AM


10:50 AM


... I really have no words. This guy got a disembodied arm tattooed on him. Amazing.

Because it requires breaking the skin barrier, tattooing may carry health risks, including infection and allergic reactions. In the United States, for example, the Red Cross prohibits a person who has received a tattoo from donating blood for 12 months (FDA 2000), unless the procedure was done in a stateregulated and licensed studio, using sterile technique. Not all states have a licensing

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