
Japanese Water Tattoos and How to Find the Right One

Japanese Water Tattoos article by Robert Hillman

Japanese Water TattoosChoosing the right Japanese water tattoo can be a slightly daunting experience, because there are so many to choose from. It is important for you to do your research and look in the right places.There are quite a few sites on the Internet that have some very average designs and there are some that offer you quite a large selection.What you must do is spend a little time on some research and, as with getting any tattoo,do not rush into it because you are going to have it for a long time.

It is also worth considering what type of ink your tattooist is going to use,there are quite a few new types of ink on the market that actually have fluorescent colors, so if you want something original and that will be a 'masterpiece' then take some time to look into the vibrant new colors and check with your tattoo artist to see if they use them.

One of the best things to do is to download some of the free tattoo material that is available on several websites and start getting a general picture of the type of Japanese water tattoo that you want and also of those sites that sell them. Personally,I prefer the sites that let you download samples so that you can print out full size tattoos at home and get a much better idea of how it is going to look. You could even cut your tattoo out and stick it on your arm or wherever you want it to go, to give you an idea of how it is going to look.

Japanese Water TattoosThere are also some tattoo galleries on the web that offer this download service and who also have literally thousands of tattoos available for downloading, these sites also normally have good indexing systems so it should make it fairly easy for you to check out many different styles of Japanese water tattoos. The good thing about some of these gallery type sites is that you can often download more than one tattoo. Some sites offer a subscription service and some others just let you download everything they have (my favorites). For example, my personal collection of tattoos is running at over 30,000 tattoos and its already over 140 megabytes and growing every day!

Just to recap, remember to check out the fluorescent colors that are available and start looking through as many tattoo directories as you can until you see that One Japanese water tattoo that just jumps out at you.Sometimes,you know,it's the tattoo that chooses you.

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I wish I knew what this was, I really do. It looks like a totem pole of demons? With some kind of weird scarred-out blob in the middle. Is it a tribal-mutant batman logo? AND DO YOU SEE THE SCRATCHED UP FETUS ON HIS ELBOW? I mean really, how could you miss that? I don't even know what the stuff on his forearm is. If anyone can help decipher this, please let me know! I was staring at this guy for ages trying to figure it out.

I wish I knew what was on his back, too. You can see a bit of it poking out. I bet it's incredible.

I went to the Maryland Deathfest this past weekend and OH BOY did I see so many amazing metal tattoos! One million distorted zombies! Ten thousand blurry black and white messes of somethingorother! A good handful of band logos! I have a LOT to share with you guys, but let me start with this gem (perhaps the best of the bunch):

THAT GIRL IS TRUE. EVIL. I love the fancy flourishes added to each word, it really rubs in the brutality of her tattoo.

Tune in soon for more!

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Japanese TattooJapanese dragon tattoo design on body.

Japanese TattooJapanese koi fish tattoo design on the back.

Japanese TattooTiger and dragon fighting Japanese tattoo.

Tribal Tattoo The Upper Arm



Bird tattoo swallow tattoo

8:12 PM

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Japanese Tattoo Designs - The Ultimate Guide

Japanese tattoo designs article by Alice Farrell

Japanese Tattoo Designs, japanese tattoosThere are so many things in the East that have captured the imagination and admiration of the West. Japanese tattoo designs for instance, have been gaining massive popularity due to their sheer beauty and the tradition and culture that goes with them.

Tattoo was already part of Japanese culture in the early centuries. This had been hugely inspired by the characters of Chinese novels that wore bold drawings of mythical creatures on their chests that symbolized bravery and courage. The common people of Japan were then motivated to put the same creation on their body.

Japanese tattoo designs are mostly written symbols that express different meaning. The designs are illustrated in an artistic and expressive manner. Each symbol is heavy with meaning and it is possible to depict a story in your body by combining these symbols and at the same time display an impressive art work on your flesh.

Japanese Tattoo Designs, japanese tattoosThere are three common forms of Japanese tattoo. Kanji is the most popular because its complicated form carries different ideas behind each symbol. Hiragana, unlike Kanji, is much easier to decipher since these are writings that are commonly used in Japan today. Katakana, the third form, is sourced from non-Japanese words.

Your Japanese tattoo designs don't have to be limited to just one form. If you want to keep an artistic approach then you can combine the three and create your own design. It will be much more dramatic and unique. However, it should be noted that Japanese characters are not like usual drawings that can be altered and embellished and still reflect the same kind of meaning.

They all have definite form and if you want to achieve a realistic design it is best to go to a professional Japanese tattoo shop to make sure that you are getting inked with the desired characters accurately.

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Pink bird tattoo gallery

7:38 PM

Kanji Tattoos 1

Kanjis - Mistakes to Avoid with Japanese Style Kanji Tattoos!

Kanji Tattoos article by Decland O Reilly

Kanji Tattoos, japanese tattoosAsian inspired tattoos are increasingly popular in the West. Chinese dragons and Japanese tattoos have been mainstream for years. There seems to be no let up in people getting tattoos in Asian style writing. In the West Kanji tattoos started becoming popular in the 1980s. Nowadays even kids are getting temporary tattoos out of vending machines with kanji style tattoos!

But are kanji tattoos really that popular? Some tattoo artists state that one out of every 20 people looking for a tattoo asks for a kanji style tattoo with Asian lettering. It has also created another problem namely people getting kanji tattoos which can mean something completely different than what they think it does.

There are many urban legends of disgruntled tattoo artists tattooing words like 'loose' and 'whore' onto a persons body because they feel that the person getting the tattoo does not really appreciate tattoos as an art form but is just slavishly following fashion.

Kanji Tattoos, japanese tattoosIt is always a good idea to keep in mind before you decide upon a tattoo that kanji is based on a different form of language and is unlike english in its construction. Be sure to spend time researching the authenticity of each symbols’ meaning. It could be rather embarrassing to learn later on after you have been tattooed that the Kanji tattoo you thought meant one thing turned out to be something completely different.

If you don’t speak Japanese it is very hard to find characters that say what you want and are not something that will turn heads with native japanese speakers for all the wrong reasons. Trusting a non native speaking tattoo artist is recommended either as the tattoo artist may be as much in the dark as you are. It is highly recommended that you do your reasearch before rushing off to get a kanji tattoo character done.

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Koi and Water Lilly Upper Arm

Still More of Upper Left Arm Gallery

7:21 PM

Kanji Tattoos

Japanese Kanji Tattoos

Kanji Tattoos article by Joel Carr

Kanji Tattoos, japanese tattoosJapanese Kanji Tattoos are fast becoming the most popular tattoo design. Japanese Kanji characters are so incredibly artistic and have such mystique that it seems as though they were created ideally for the purpose of tattoos. When you think about the best qualities of a tattoo many words come to mind such as symbolic, mysterious, and meaning.

The beauty of Japanese Kanji tattoos is that each Kanji symbol is an ideographic character, which means is represents an entire object/meaning/symbol. Japanese Kanji symbols have such elaborate definition; each stroke of the symbol must be done in the correct direction and order. Japanese Kanji Tattoos can easily represent nearly any meaning you want. Words such as love, peace, freedom, strength, unity are very popular Japanese Kanji tattoos, as well as loved one's names.

Kanji Tattoos, japanese tattoosIt is a good idea to research your Japanese Kanji Tattoo before visiting your tattoo artist. There are several reasons for this - firstly, Kanji is a different form of language to English, and if you were to choose a Kanji sentence, the order of the words will be in different order to English. Secondly, many tattoo parlors have Japanese Kanji tattoo designs which have been altered by westerners and you will not know until it is too late. Finally, some Japanese Kanji characters have several meanings, and you may think your symbol means one thing, where in fact it means something completely different. Luckily there are websites out there that can help you get the perfect translation.

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